Collection: Shipping & Delivery Policy

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Order Shipment

Once your order is packed and ready for shipment, we will arrange a pick up from our shipping partner. Once the material is picked up, you will also receive tracking no to Track your Order.

If there is an unforeseen delay in your shipment, you can raise a support ticket with our shipping partner and our team also, after which we will try to accelerate the matter and expedite your shipment to you.

Due to the unique nature of the lighting products, there might be special shipping requirements; for more details, check our Special Shipment Page

Shipping Charges

We have Different shipping charges for different products for more details on this visit our shipping charges Page.

Shipping & Delivery Policy Terms

For International buyers, orders are shipped and delivered through registered international courier companies and/or International speed post only. For domestic buyers, orders are shipped through registered domestic courier companies and /or speed post only. Orders are shipped within 2-4 Days or as per the delivery date agreed at the time of order confirmation and delivering of the shipment subject to Courier Company / post office norms. Depending on the items we may need more time to Ship the products which will be communicated to you.

Jainsons Lights pvt ltd is not liable for any delay in delivery by the courier company / postal authorities and only try to hand over the consignment to the courier company or postal authorities within agreed time. Delivery of all orders will be to the address provided by the buyer or transport hubs near your shipping address. Delivery of our services will be confirmed on your mail ID as specified during registration. For any issues in utilizing our services you may contact our helpdesk on 9266929991 or