Collection: Checkout User Flow

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To place an order for any of the products on The user needs to select the products from the store page & add the desired product to the cart.

To do this click the ADD TO CART button on the product page or any category or home page.

If you need to purchase just one item you can also click BUY NOW button. You will be directly directed to the checkout page.

After adding the product to the cart, the customer needs to proceed to checkout to complete the ordering process—the checkout button is on the top right corner with a cart icon in it.

This Website is a product Catalogue & not a regular E-commerce website. This means that the stock availability of the products are confirmed after your order.

To avoid the hassle of refund you can place the order with payment mode COD(Cash on Delivery). This is treated as an inquiry by our team & they check the stock and take confirm order post that.

Please enter your GST details in the Address Section and we will provide you with GST invoice for your Order.

To proceed, the user needs to provide their details like name, email, mobile number, & address. We suggest registering an account so you can track your order better.

To notify us about anything about the order or if you need a GST invoice, you need to mention it in the comment section so our team can follow it accordingly.

After providing the details, the user completes the payment for the order.

Once the payment is made, the user comes to an order success page. From here you can go to your account and review your order.

Can offer 1% discount if you pay through UPI/bank transfer as we save on payment gateway charges. The order post that will be generated on website only and rest will remain same.

For more details check our Direct Payment Discount Page

After placing the order, you will get confirmation of the order on your email, SMS and whats app. You will receive an order id to track your order from the track your order section. You will also get a confirmation email regarding the payment you have made and your payment receipt in your email.

We have a Innovative way to accept COD orders. We understand while placing order with us for the first time you are reluctant to make full payment upfront.

We accept only Fully confirmed COD orders and cannot entertain any cancellations later. Thus we take 10-25% Advance with a minimum of 200 rs for confirmation of COD orders. Rest Amount your can pay against receipt of goods as per the industry standards.

Check More Details about this on our COD Orders Page

We have a Unique E-commerce Model as we aim to create largest lighting platform for our customers. Our focus is to make you available with maximum Lighting products for your choice and convenience. Thus we cannot make sure every item listed on the website is available in stock all the time. To Know more check Order Processing Page

Once your order is packed and ready for shipment, we will arrange a pick up from our shipping partner. Once the material is picked up, you will also receive tracking no to Track your Order.

If there is an unforeseen delay in your shipment, you can raise a support ticket with our shipping partner and our team also, after which we will try to accelerate the matter and expedite your shipment to you.

Due to the unique nature of the lighting products, there might be special shipping requirements; for more details, check our Special Shipment Page

We have Different shipping charges for different products for more details on this visit our shipping charges Page.

Any Damage to products in transit is our responsibility and we will send spares for that.

Please make a package opening video or any transit damage claims

For branded Products best way to get quick customer care service, is to contact the Customer care center of the concerned Brand.

In any case our team is always at your service and for any purchase through us we are committed to provide you complete after sales service.

Any time you face any problem, please Contact Us to offer you telephonic support while placing the order.

If you receive an email reminder to complete your payment while you have already successfully made the payment and your order is already generated in our system, ignore that email.

If you need any alteration or support after placing the order, please raise a ticket in our Support Center so our team can do the needful.